
Criminal Defense Law

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Criminal Defense Law: Attorney Celebre is an expert Wisconsin trial attorney with more than 20 years experience. He represents clients in all Wisconsin criminal cases. If you are criminally charged, do not discuss your case with anyone unless it is with an attorney, as you could cause harm to your case and face new penalties, including jail, prison, or fines. Celebre Law Office can represent you in any of your criminal matters and assist you with answering your questions.


Areas Include: Lesser Offenses (misdemeanors), Greater Offenses (felonies), Juvenile, Traffic


Lesser Offenses: Misdemeanor offenses are lesser criminal offenses, but they can still have harmful effects. For example, you may be denied student loans or be ineligible for certain jobs. A misdemeanor conviction could mean facing jail or paying fines or both. Misdemeanors may include:



Greater Offenses: Felony offenses are more serious criminal offenses where a person may face prison, pay fines, or both. A felony conviction could mean that you cannot vote or ever carry a weapon, depending on the felony. Felonies may include:



Juvenile: Juveniles may face penalties, such as juvenile detention and fines and corrections if convicted. Juveniles can be waived into adult court for severe offenses. Juvenile cases may include:



Traffic: In Wisconsin, driving is a privilege, not a right. You are allowed 12 demerit points in Wisconsin, but if you exceed these points, you can face possible license suspension. Traffic violations may include:



How Your Crime Harms Your Employment

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Employment Law

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