
Criminal Defense Law

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How Your Crime Harms Your Employment

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Employment Law

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Employment Law: Attorney Celebre is a Wisconsin employment attorney with more than 20 years experience. He represents all Wisconsin employment and labor cases. He has represented employers and employees involving Abbott Laboratories, American Express, Chrysler Corporation, and Alfa Laval. He can assist you in your employment and labor matters.


Topics Include: Severance Packages, Worker's Compensation, Contracts, Discrimination


Severance Packages: Severance pay is payment made to an employee when terminated beyond ordinary wages. Severance pay is not required. Most employers should consider providing severance pay, and employees should consider taking severance pay if it is offered. Consider that a severance package:



Also consider that an attorney can:


Worker's Compensation: Worker's compensation provides employees with a remedy for on-the-job injuries. Note that:



Coverage may include:



Note too that:



Contracts: A contract is an agreement between two parties. Attorney Celebre reviews all contracts including:



Discrimination: Discrimination can come in any form based on race, color, creed, disability, sex, and other reasons. Such types of discrimination may include:

